Shoes leading the way

It started as just a normal afternoon. I was in Amsterdam to mentor a scale-up at Impact Hub.

On my way out of the city I suddenly notice my favorite shoe shop is moving out. When it’s about shoes, I only need little encouragement… I park the car right away. I bump into an outlet rack with my favorite brand selling out for 25 euros a pair(!).

A gentle guy helps me and says: ”I love your necklace!” (I was wearing the golden Talisman on the picture ).

“I am happy to wear it because I got it at a very special course.”

AND THEN he says: “Geologist? Is this for a geologist?” I am flabbergasted. How can he sense this? I got it at a course in geomancy!

While packing my shoes, he tells me about the moment he suddenly -after an immense accident - started sensing energies and information of other people. It overwhelmed him. With a therapist he learned to restrict his new skill. But seeing the necklace, his tricks vanished into thin air. In a split second he decides it’s OK to ask if his feeling is right.

We have a wonderful talk on geomancy and other surprises in life that invite us to change course. We acknowledge the importance of fabulous shoes on the way.

I leave the shop with a big bag and a big smile, grateful for unexpected treasures.


Shift of paradise