Everybody gets out of place sometimes.

You might feel:

  • tired, lost, depressed, stressed or even (close to) ill,

  • that your dream job lost its luster

  • sure you don´t want to stay where you are, but do not know where to go.

All great reasons to meet! I offer firm programs to analyse where you are, where to head and support you to get there with an open mind, will and heart. It will make you flourish. 

I help you find the root cause of your issues and provide you with all the tools to see, accept and solve them, unless your question requires skills or knowledge I don’t consider myself expert in. In that case, I just help you to find the right person to get in touch with.

I consider it my responsibility to manage all the tools that get you going. I love to combine proven tools with experiments the mind can hardly grab, so mind, heart and soul will be happy with the answers you come up with.

Sneak peak in my toolbox

Being facilitated to get in place guarantees you will find a unique answer to your question. I expect you to have walked the trails of regular assessments already, so I won’t redo those. Instead, I intent to blow your mind, heart and will at every meeting, while you stay in the lead on the road to your answer.

To give you an idea of what to expect, I made a shortlist of the most popular tools at the moment. They all go with dedicated attention and a good laugh.

Theory U

The structure of Theory U helps to find your starting point (A), your destination (B) and to pass the abyss in between.

Starting point (A): I challenge your mind, heart and will using tools like Human Design and Lo’Shu.

Destination (B): what are you heading for? Really?

On the road from A to B I will pull out all the stops. No escape. Ultimately rewarding.

Human design

Many people with successful careers at some point in life get questions about what on earth they are doing here. Human Design gives a great starting point. I prefer to combine it with some other assessment tools to prevent the “holy truth illusion” of a holistic tool.

NOW I get why it was so tempting to choose a career that does not fit me, why I always say yes to new jobs and regret it soon afterwards. Let’s change course.
— Manager in media company


An intriguing tool based upon taoistic numerology, giving surprising insights in your real talents, traumas and goals.

Note: once a year, I organise a course in Lo’Shu! So if you prefer to use it yourself for your clients, candidates, colleagues or teams: join!

Next course: May 20-22, 2024. Details on page WHEN.

“I had the pleasure of receiving a Lo’shu session from Helene. It was a delightful experience, with deep insight. The information Helene shared felt very aligned with my experience. It felt like suddenly some experiences made sense in this new light. Helene’s gentle and deep presence holds the space beautifully for this process. I highly recommend this reading to anyone wanting deeper clarity of their soul lessons.”
— CEO of training company in Canada


A constellation (a method in systemic work) is a playful yet thorough way to visualize which factors influence your wellbeing, effectiveness and effectivity.

It provides profound insights on how to balance your talents and pittfalls.


It may be helpful to visualize your lifeline. Write a story. Make a painting. Create a lifebrary of all the books that had an impact on you. I always find the metaphor and language that suits you.

My colleagues at the Board thought I was a little off-track when I hired Helene as my coach. Until I presented my personal annual report to them. Suddenly they got how much profit I made.
— CFO of listed company


A nimble tool to get rid of traumatic memories and behavior seeming unchangeable. It’s a combination of meditation and regression with a pinch of NLP. What is particularly appreciated with this technique - as clients say - is that you stay in lead. I just facilitate you to change the memories you made. Usually, the triggers have vanished after just a few sessions.

I am most grateful for this experience. Lifechanging.
— Strategic advisor in government