blogs on daily life

disclose natural magic

ignite sparks of joy

Helene Spork Helene Spork

Shoes leading the way

It started as just a normal afternoon. I was in Amsterdam to mentor a scale-up at Impact Hub.

On my way out of the city I suddenly notice my favorite shoe shop is moving out. When it’s about shoes, I only need little encouragement… I park the car right away. I bump into an outlet rack with my favorite brand selling out for 25 euros a pair(!).

A gentle guy helps me and says: ”I love your necklace!” (I was wearing the golden Talisman on the picture ).

“I am happy to wear it because I got it at a very special course.”

AND THEN he says: “Geologist? Is this for a geologist?” I am flabbergasted. How can he sense this? I got it at a course in geomancy!

While packing my shoes, he tells me about the moment he suddenly -after an immense accident - started sensing energies and information of other people. It overwhelmed him. With a therapist he learned to restrict his new skill. But seeing the necklace, his tricks vanished into thin air. In a split second he decides it’s OK to ask if his feeling is right.

We have a wonderful talk on geomancy and other surprises in life that invite us to change course. We acknowledge the importance of fabulous shoes on the way.

I leave the shop with a big bag and a big smile, grateful for unexpected treasures.

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Helene Spork Helene Spork

Shift of paradise

Yesterday, I started reading Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Phenomenal. That lady got me shifted in the introduction already! Sharing the indigenous story of Skywoman, she memorizes the difference between Skywoman, who fell into paradise and Eve, who was kicked out of paradise. It made me wonder whether all our drift to colonize this planet stems from the trauma of being banned long ago (even if not consciously raised with that story).

This will take me a wine or two… to be continued!

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