Whether you like it or not, we are all part of some sort of system(s). Systemic work aims to give you insights in the system(s) you belong to and how to balance your position in it.

Systemic work is one of those methods the mind can not grab. I am so happy it gets more known these days, because it is utterly effective.

You can join for “classical” constellations as well as eclectic systemic work: the combination of constellations with other techniques.


Every two months Gertjan and Helene facilitate constellations with representatives on the theme “how to get in place”.

Eclectic systemic work

I have always loved to combine techniques. It challenges both you and me to reach for maximum insight and result.

During the years, I learned to integrate EMDR, TA, Neutracon and alike techniques in constellations. I used to restrict myself to work like this to individual coaching, but found out it works great in groups too.

Th road even led to a new workshop, that combines systemic work with geomancy. So in 2024, please expect some spectacular events.