Amsterdam (Netherlands)

In one of the most beautiful canal houses, the (quite successful) inhabitants landed into the strangest conditions. Within a few years after moving in they faced divorce, serious illness and were close to bankruptcy. We stood by their side with geomancy and personal coaching. They fully recovered, got miraculous help from their bank, started a new company and fully enjoy life and work now.

Capetown (South Africa)

A business woman in Capetown heard about our work and requested an analysis of her apartment. Her first question was: “Why don’t I find myself the perfect couch?” Interesting question…especially when the analysis showed that the spot she wanted to use for the couch was extremely low in energy. As a matter of fact: she might have gotten ill when staying on that spot frequently. When we told her so, she answered she always felt a little weird on that spot! What started as a practical question turned into a great session on intuition and humans’ urge to explain your gut feeling (and sometimes get around it). She requested the landclearing afterwards.

Friesland (Netherlands)

We were asked for help by a huge farm in serious financial trouble. We discovered the land contained all kinds of traumatic experiences with wealth. Yes, we know this may sound weird. However: after quite some geomantic intervention they started to flourish again!

Santiago (Chili)

The CEO of a charity asked for coaching since she had quite some setbacks in business. With Lo’Shu and Neutracon we revealed a side of her she used to neglect. We wrote her a soul story, which helped her to integrate the qualities hidden.

Warnsveld (Netherlands)

On a modest piece of land we “met” a house that was rebuilt and extended a few times over the years. The property also housed a separately building for the company of the owners. Entering the property confused you right away. We used our skills in Geomancy and Feng Shui to harmonize the house and empower the land. Ever since, whoever comes in is in awe for the property and its energy. The owners’ business is seriously changing course in a harmonious way and flourishes naturally.

Sao Paulo (Brazil)

The manager of a pharmaceutic plant was referred to me because his stress levels were sky high during the pandemic. After ten sessions, we passed the abyss with Theory U and he stated: “I feel happy and fulfilled. I can handle the situation.”

The Hague (Netherlands)

“We really dislike that pond”, our client stated upfront. “It feels creepy.” When we focused on what had happened in the past, we were led to an ice age, during which an amphibian creature tried to escape the frost by hiding in a trough. Unfortunately, time froze as well, so it was still there. It made us think of those soldiers in the jungle, who did not realize that WOII was over until the nineties. We helped the creature to get back into time and move on to its own natural grounds. When our client returned home, she gazed at the pond. “Did you change its shape? I really like the pond like this! It suddenly looks like we could even swim there. A few months later, she called us to add money seems to be growing on the trees these days.”

Utrecht (Netherlands)

A young girl in a harmonious family suffered serious panic attacks as soon as her mother got out of sight. Since she had to go to school in a few months, the mother asked us for advice. By using our geomantic skills, we found an imprint of a natural disaster, which was survived by a 2,5 year old girl only, who kept calling her mother. We removed the imprint and coached mother and daughter into awareness of present life. The girl went to school without any issue.