I love to write you a personal or company story as grand finale after coaching and or clearing.

I can present it in writing, on video or live at an event.

your story

You can get an impression by listening to this story:

grounding stories

“Look at the legacy of poor Eve’s exile from Eden: the land shows the bruises of an abusive relationship. It’s not just land that is broken, but more importantly, our relationship to land. As Gary Nabhan has written, we can’t meaningfully proceed with healing, with restoration, without re-story-ation. In other words: our relationship with land cannot heal until we hear its stories.”

— Robin Wall Kimmerer in "Braiding Sweetgrass"

The quote above perfectly expresses the importance of unearthing stories on our relationship with the land. To be grateful for what we are given every single day and how each and everyone of us can return the gift.

From 2024 onwards we will publish “The Grounding Stories”, a series on landclearing and related adventures. You can subscribe here:

my story

Under the apple tree is a novel based upon stories from my own life. Reading it will make you laugh, think and believe in magic.